Bitumen binder

Bitumen is a mixture of different organic materials, mostly of carbon and hydrogen. It is produced through vacuum distillation of petroleum. The viscoelastic behavior changes with temperature from solid to fluid and by cooling back in the original consistence.
Production:Bitumen is produced of selected crude oils with a quality management acc. to EN ISO 9001. The constant high quality is based on a careful selection of the raw material (crude oil) and the careful processing. Constant quality control and additional comprehensive tests ensure the usage of all types of bitumen in the asphalt mixing plant.
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In road construction bitumen as a binder (approx. 5%) and aggregate (approx. 95%) form asphalt. For the production of asphalt the most used type is the paving grade bitumen, but also the usage of polymer modified bitumen, short PmB, becomes more and more popular. Due to the current increasing needs and demands in road building sector, new bitumen innovations have been developed from OMV. This types of bitumen are called special bitumen on the market.
1. PAVING GRADE BITUMEN:Main application area for the bitumen production is in asphalt road construction, but also in industry as industry bitumen it is used. ( roofing industry , bitumen coatings, ….) Bitumen products for the road construction have a wide range of applications, but they are usually used for the production of the following asphalt mixtures:
Properties of paving grade bitumen:
The production of the OMV paving grade bitumen is guided to highest standards in road construction and meets or exceeds the requirements of the European Standard EN 12591. The product quality is monitored by factory production control as well as by accredited road construction institution. Therefore, quality certificates for factory production control have been issued.
2. POLYMERMODIFIED BITUMEN:For road surfaces with high traffic loads (motorways, roads in cities, bus bays, industrial storage areas, ports, …) but also in extreme climatic regions, there is being increasingly used bitumen which is modified with polymers (polymer bitumen), thereby retaining the higher quality properties. Compared to the properties of the paving grade bitumen, polymer-modified bitumen offers a greater plasticity range, a pronounced viscoelastic behavior, high regeneration ability and excellent adhesion behavior in all climatic conditions. In the production of high quality asphalt mixtures, most the product OMV Starfalt® PmB45 / 80-65 is used.
The production of the OMV Starfalt® Polymer modified Bitumen is guided to highest standards in road construction and meets or exceeds the requirements of the European Standard EN 14023. The product quality is monitored by factory production control as well as by accredited road construction institution. Therefore, quality certificates for factory production control have been issued.
3. BITUMEN SPECIAL:The road area always calls to meet the demands of the ever increasing traffic loads and traffic volume higher performance characteristics of construction products. To support the asphalt industry, OMV refinery has researched the most common requirements and developed new innovations that make the asphalt industry rise to a higher level of quality. In this sense, an innovative product family under the name OMV Bitumen Special has been developed. OMV Bitumen Special NV is a low viscosity bitumen binder with increased stiffness, which is used for the construction of highly stressed roads, flight operations and other traffic areas. It enables a reduction of the mixing temperature in the production (by approx. 20°C) and also a temperature reduced installation. (easier processing in difficult installation conditions). With these features your sites are allowed to be more quickly opened to traffic. OMV Bitumen Special NV products are available in all standard specifications of bitumen, industrial bitumen and polymer modified bitumen. OMV Starfalt® PMB RC (“recycling”) belongs to the best production of polymer modified binder of the OMV Starfalt product group. It is a ready to use, elastomer-modified bitumen, which is produced by OMV after special formulations which were developed in the laboratory. These asphalts cover the requirements for base courses and binder layers, which are made with the use of recycled asphalt. OMV Starfalt® PMB 45/80 FR (“fuel resistant”) has been specially developed for use on runways in performing areas of service stations, aircraft movement areas and parking for the fleet in terms of resistance to fuel.
OMV Bitumen Plus has been specifically designed to increase the adhesion to the used aggregates. It ensures a good adhesion between bitumen and stone, subsequently the efficiency and durability of asphalt construction is significantly increased, and the profitability of asphalt mixing plants with low adhesion of stone deposits are guaranteed.
Mehr Informationen:For more information and technical documentation regarding the complete products of OMV refinery, please visit the website